
Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy: Fighting Climate Change with a One-Two Punch

To invest in energy efficiency or renewable energy? A question often pondered by building owners, design engineers, investors, energy engineers, performance contractors, and anyone in between who has a say deciding how to invest money to make the strongest financial and environmental impacts. In an ideal scenario, one can invest in both efficiency and renewable energy.

Integrating Efficiency and Renewable Energy

When it comes to the materials we use in everyday life, we have all heard the phrase “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.” Well, there is a reason why reduction is mentioned first! It can be argued that the most sustainable energy source available is the energy that we never have to use.

Of course, there will always be energy used no matter how efficient a building is. But, in the energy spectrum, renewables reduce the cost for the electricity that must be used. Renewables also offer many other benefits, such as protection against fluctuating energy costs, incentives like federal tax credits, net metering, shaded parking lots… the list could keep going. And research confirms that investing in both energy efficiency options and renewable energy is a smart move. The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) and the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) collaborated in a 2007 study, reporting that investments in both energy efficiency and renewable energy are essential for the United States to create a secure energy future.   

Boxing gloves

Creating an Energy Synergy

Think about it like this… If a boxer has a great right hook but a poor defense, he may win some fights but could easily lose to an opponent with a solid defense and a timely counterpunch. Combining two strengths to be stronger overall is called synergy. That is when the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. When energy efficiency and renewable energy are combined, they complement each other in a way that can maximize the total impact, both environmentally and economically. Consider this…

Right hook: An upgraded utility plan to reduce HVAC costs.

Left jab: Intelli-Hood®, Melink’s demand control kitchen ventilation system to further reduce HVAC costs.

And for the knock-out uppercut: A solar array made of super-efficient photovoltaic modules that meets the entire energy load of the building (taking into account the reduced energy usage from the previous energy efficiency measures).

And what’s even more of a win? By reducing the facility’s entire energy load, the upfront cost of the solar array is reduced. Plus, the quick payback as a result of the energy efficiency measures creates additional cashflow to help pay for a renewable energy source, like solar array (or even geothermal!).

Accounting for Energy Opponents

But what if? Let’s say that the uppercut was blocked in this scenario because, in many cases, the availability of renewable energy is limited due to geography and available space. For example, in the hills and valleys of Southern Ohio, wind energy is not going to be near as effective as compared to the plains of Northwest Texas.

Or, while solar performs well in Ohio, a building could have very limited space for an array. For the counterpunch here, one could implement new energy efficiency technologies and maximize efficiencies on existing equipment. Then, for the knockout, a smaller solar array like a parking canopy could still be very impactful.

The bottom line? There are many options at play when it comes to the powerful combo of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Together, this combo helps to reduce peak demand charges, which can be astronomically higher than off-peak charges. For example, if a new energy-efficient HVAC system is added to an office building, that building will still see high peak demand charges (although lower than before the upgrade) from the utility. However, capturing a renewable energy source, like wind or solar, can greatly reduce the impact of peak demand charges.

Renewable energy wind turbine power

Winning the Fight on Climate Change

In summary, combining energy efficiency and renewable energy delivers the greatest environmental and economic benefits. Melink Corporation can help building owners, engineers, and designers with both energy efficiency and renewable solutions. We know this combination works from experience, too. With our own Zero Energy Building and another LEED Platinum building, Melink does not just talk the talk, we walk the walk.

Contact us today to protect your business from the volatile energy market, commit to sustainability, reduce utility costs, and fight climate change.

Beyond the Pandemic — Shifting to Sustainable, Clean Energy

As devastating as COVID-19 has been, there’s a different lens from which we can view its effect on the world. How can businesses become more resilient? While it’s hard not to focus on just the next few months, it’s important to think about the kind of world we want to live in after this crisis ends.

One immutable constant is great leaders always want to prosper. Despite whatever challenges, they will continue to seek opportunities to grow their top and bottom lines. They will continue to build their brands and organizations for long term success.

Given you may be one of these leaders, there’s a growing secret across the U.S. and around the world. Solar power is slowly but surely becoming the way of the future – and businesses are primed to reap the benefits. If you sense shifting to clean energy is an intimidating undertaking, the following points should empower you more than anything.


Ballasted mount on flat roof for solar power

Reasons to Consider Clean Energy

#1 Reduce Electricity Costs and Invest in Long-Term Savings

Using solar will lower the costs on your electric bill. Sure, the initial cost to install solar may be your biggest barrier. However, if you account for your average monthly electric bill cost, and budget for that expense on an annualized basis – after five, 10, 15, 20 years, the amount paid to the utility is a daunting reality that can be mitigated. Not to mention we should also factor in future rate increases over a 30-year period. The return on investment and savings over the lifespan of a solar panel system, depending on your energy consumption and the estimated production of the system, is a factor worth considering.  

#2 Hedge Against Volatile Energy Costs

Purchasing solar can be much like investing in insurance. People pay for insurance because of the uncertainties of accident, injury, or death. Similarly, there are unknowns about the price of electricity through your utility and what it will cost down the road. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, over the last decade, the average price of electricity has increased about 4.6%. However, over those ten years, the standard deviation of commercial electricity prices was 0.24%. This signifies the great variability of energy costs over the last decade. Instead of relying on the ever-changing lows and highs of electric power prices, you can create a more predictable budget by locking into your rate for solar. Investing in solar can help companies avoid rising energy costs, and the uncertainty that comes with depending on power from the grid. 

#3 Boost Public Relations and Attract Talent

As more and more companies switch to clean energy solutions, they further enhance their brands. In an article by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, they indicate how practicing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reaps multiple benefits, such as engaged employees, loyal customers, and positive public attention. In fact, it’s a purchase driver for many. “In a Nielson survey, 66% of participants said they pay more for products and services from socially responsible companies.” People are simply targeting more businesses that strive for better Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) practices. It captures the interest of younger generations, brings talent, and drives morale within the workforce. Internally and externally, people are motivated by businesses that look out for the greater good.

#4 Improve Your Property Value

Think about buying and owning a house. There are various ways in which one can invest in its worth and longevity. Perhaps it’s an addition that makes the house more attractive. These investments should increase the value of your home or building when you go to sell it. People decide to stop renting because, well…it’s money down the drain. Like buying a house, when you purchase solar, you become an owner of your electric bills. Just like renovations maximize a home’s value, installing solar and producing your own energy appeals to buyers, employees, and consumers alike. An article from references a study provided by Zillow: “On average, solar panels raise a home’s value by 4.1% across the U.S. — that’s a boost of $9,274 on a $226,300 home.” Even more so with larger buildings, there’s always going to be operation costs that go into running a facility. Just like the importance of fixing leaks or fine-tuning plumbing, investing in solar relieves long-term expenses of running a commercial building. Thus, making solar pannels more valuable. 

#5 Commit to Sustainability

There’s no way to avoid it. Helping the environment and leaving the Earth in better condition for future generations is a driving force for companies to consider clean energy. Businesses now have a duty to pay attention to CSR. In an article published by RE100, numerous companies are taking action — and explain why:
IKEA committed to “generate as much renewable energy as the total energy it consumes in its operations by 2020. And to consume 100% renewable electricity by 2025.” Why is that their goal? “(Our) investments into wind and solar energy generation contribute to the shift for low carbon economies. From a business perspective, this helps secure our future as we become energy independent,” says Steve Howard, Chief Sustainability Officer.
AB InBev recognizes the “shift to renewables has potential to drive remarkable transformations in infrastructure, not only in the U.S. and Europe but also across emerging nations around the world. They “pledged to secure 100% of purchased electricity from renewable sources by 2025,” says Brian Perkins, Global VP Budweiser.
Microsoft’s Chief Environmental Strategist, Rob Bernard, made a strong statement when asked why the company wanted to be 100% powered by renewables (achieved in 2014). He said, “We believe there is a clear and urgent need for society to address climate change, and we recognize that our responsibility begins with our own actions. We are working to consistently reduce our carbon footprint. We are committed to taking significant action to shape our energy future by developing clean, low-cost sources.”

Investing in solar is a commitment to cleaner air and a brighter future. It’s a commitment to not only maintain the health of our planet but to sustain the economy.

Section 201 Commercial Solar Panel Insstallation

Is Clean Energy Worth the Investment?

Convinced yet?  If not, compare solar power to other investments that may be in your portfolio.

The estimated Internal Rate of Return (IRR) – a metric to quantify the profitability of long-term capital projects – can be greater for solar systems than traditional equity investments in the stock market. Taking into consideration initial installation costs, scale of the project, and future electrical price estimates, IRR calculation over a 30-year period range between 10-13% for solar. This is in contrast to 7.4% for the S&P 500.

Of course, it’s important to assess the value of installation, or Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), which quantifies the cost of the electricity produced over a solar system’s lifespan – usually up to 30 years. This metric helps directly compare what you would otherwise be paying for utility charges. Again, this is where locking in a predictable rate can be crucial. One can expect to significantly gain from an investment like solar because it provides a solution to fighting rising electrical prices. There’s no longer a need to depend on the utility’s energy costs. 

If you’re a business owner or key decision maker in your company, these should be highly compelling reasons to consider clean energy for your facility footprint.

In uncertain times, it’s our responsibility to fool-proof our infrastructure and buildings. They need to withstand the social and economic costs of pandemics, global warming, and other unpredictable occurrences. Furthermore, there’s a need to think about the greater good of our decisions, their impacts, and what our world can become beyond the pandemic.  

Tariffs Impacting Growth of U.S. Solar Industry

The growth of solar in the United States continues to be prohibited by tariffs placed on the industry in 2018. However, despite the tariffs, the commercial solar growth forecast is not all doom and gloom.

Tariffs and the Commercial Solar Industry

While tariffs may be prohibiting the overall solar industry from quickly growing in the U.S., the commercial sector is experiencing steady growth.

Wood Mackenzie reports costs for utility-scale solar engineering, procurement and construction (EPC services like what Melink Solar offers) fell by more than 50% from 2013 to 2019 in the U.S. Moreover, Business Energy Investment Tax Credits (ITC), as well as state and federal financing programs, available for commercial projects can offset the tariffs’ impact.

Likewise, a business’ investment in solar can reduce its carbon footprint by 10% to 100%, lock in its energy rate for the next 30 years, and support its long-term corporate social responsibility goals.

Understanding the Tariffs

The tariffs impacting the solar industry vary by amount and regulation.

Section 201

The most well-known solar tariff is Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974. Section 201 composes a four-year program targeting imported solar crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules, These tariffs — starting at 30% and dropping by five percentage points each year through 2021 — were designed to boost U.S. manufacturing and to lock out unfair competition from foreign countries, primarily China.

Section 232

Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 declares a 25% tariff on steel and 10% tariff on aluminum. In turn, this increases the cost of solar racking, wiring, and ground mount posts.

Section 301

Lastly, Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 taxes U.S.imports from China. In regard to solar, the tariffs target companies that manufacture products with semiconductors from China. This plays into solar inverters and modules.

The Tariffs’ Impact

Ultimately, the tariffs have slowed the flow of lower-cost product available to U.S. developers, keeping the overall cost of solar projects cost-prohibitive to many, especially in the residential sector. Consider the average homeowner: the higher cost of a home solar project due to tariffs does not make the technology as easily attainable.

In fact, according to energy research firm Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables, solar modules imported into the U.S. are 45% more expensive than those sold into Europe and Australia.

The tariffs (and the resulting lost projects due to the cost of investment) equate to 10.5 gigawatts in missed solar energy installations, according to the U.S. Solar Industries Association, the leading solar trade association in the U.S.

The Future of U.S. Solar Tariffs

At this time, approximately 98% of solar panels and their components are manufactured outside the U.S., according to the Congressional Research Service. In light of the tariffs, many solar manufacturers are circumventing the restrictions by cutting prices and moving production factories from China to Section 201-exempt countries such as Mexico and the Philippines.

Currently, the U.S. administration is conducting a midterm review of the tariffs. Experts suggest that a complete removal of the tariffs would result in a 30% drop in solar pricing, potentially creating an influx of large-scale solar projects for developers.

Tips for Purchasing an Electric Vehicle (EV)

Buying an electric vehicle (EV) can be challenging, especially if you haven’t done so before. Here are four tips to help you get the most bang for your buck.

EV Purchasing Tip #1

Double Check Your Incentives

EV incentives are always subject to change at the federal and state level. As of December 2019, the reduced federal tax credit of $7,000 is no longer available to automakers that have reached cumulative sales of 200,000 vehicles. This places Tesla and GM vehicles at a higher price point, as the federal tax credit no longer applies to these automakers. All other automakers have available tax credits in the United States, with Nissan seemingly next in line to hit the 200,000-vehicle mark. Plus, certain states (such as California and Colorado) offer EV incentives. Check for current credits.

EV Purchasing Tip #2

Define Your EV’s Intended Use

Vehicles can serve many purposes such as daily drivers, road tripping, and towing/hauling. It’s best to define early on what the use of your EV will be. Are you taking road trips in this vehicle? How long is your daily commute? How many miles do you typically drive in a day, a week, a month? This will help you to narrow down vehicles that are best suited for you, as EVs come in various projected ranges.

Typically, older, used EVs have lesser ranges per charge. A few examples:

  • 2015 Nissan Leaf with 84 miles of range
  • 2015 Volkswagen e-Golf with 83 miles of range
  • 2015 BMW i3 with 81 miles of range

Newer EVs tend to have longer ranges:

  • 2020 Tesla Model 3 with a minimum of 240 miles
  • 2020 Nissan Leaf with a minimum of 150 miles
  • 2020 Chevrolet Bolt with a minimum of 240 miles

With the capacity of a longer range, there of course comes a higher cost. That said, used EVs tend to be much less expensive than new ones, when compared to their internal combustion engine (ICE) counterparts. EVs not only depreciate as they go from “new” to “used” vehicle, but they depreciate even further as the federal tax credit is not available to used vehicles.

For example, if a new EV sells for $30,000 in 2020, why would a prospective buyer purchase the same vehicle a year later for $26,000 when he/she can buy the same new vehicle for $31,000 (anticipating a price increase) and potentially apply a tax credit? Therefore, new EVs tend to depreciate more quickly than ICE vehicles, so take this into your equation.

Chevrolet Volt electric vehicle (EV)
Source: Colton Sturgeon, Unsplash

EV Purchasing Tip #3

Consider Your Climate

An EV’s expected mileage range is greatly affected by the temperature. When an EV is parked where temperatures are at or below freezing, the projected mileage range can be decreased by 30% or more. This is due to both the efficiency of the batteries decreasing in cold temperatures, as well as the additional electric load to heat the car, seats, steering wheel, etc.

For those who park indoors, this may not be as much of a factor because your car is kept at a higher ambient temperature (60 degrees Fahrenheit or higher) when not in use, so your battery efficiency won’t decrease nearly as much.

EV Purchasing Tip #4

Check the Battery Life

When purchasing a used EV, one of the deciding factors should be the condition of the battery. An EV’s range decreases over time due to the degradation of its batteries. How much a vehicle’s batteries degrade over time depends upon the specific vehicle/battery, as well as the utilization of the vehicle by the previous owner(s). Some vehicles may decrease in range by 1% each year, whereas others may decrease by 3% or more each year. Thus, this battery degradation directly decreases a vehicle’s range.

So, if you’re considering purchasing a used EV, what can you do? Do your research; check the online forums of the specific make/model to read about other owners’ experiences with battery life. If you’re purchasing from a dealership, ask them to run diagnostics to check the health of the battery. If purchasing from a private party, take the vehicle to an independent shop or a dealership to have the battery evaluated.

If you’re purchasing your first EV or just considering what EV options are on the market, I hope these tips help. Good luck!

The Application of Ground-Source Heat Pumps with Waste Water Systems

The use of waste water, both grey and black, as a heat source or sink is not a new concept. But, until recently, the availability of cost-effective, factory-constructed systems has been limited.

Now, with these new systems hitting the market, engineers have more options than ever for designing more sustainable facilities. One such way the marketplace is utilizing waste-water technology is through ground-source heat pumps.

However, many engineers may be hearing pushback when they suggest incorporating waste water into plans. Maybe you’ve heard or said it yourself: “We’ve never done this before.”

To combat the obstacle of pushback, engineers must outline the project goals to demonstrate good engineering concepts and application guidelines:

  • Understand the application of waste-water energy recovery systems for heating and cooling applications
  • Understand characteristics of unconventional water sources and their applications as the heat sink and heat source for ground-source heat pump operations
  • Recognize the capital cost requirements to effectively implement heat recovery from unconventional energy sources
  • Understand the importance of performing a thorough site investigation of the project location to assess the site limitations and unique features

Case Study: Grey Water Energy Recovery

Project Type: Retrofit of laundry area for 350-room hotel
Project Location: Alberta, Canada
Project Size: 6,000 gallons of hot water/day
Average Run Time: 10.7 hours/day
Average Output: 1.28 million BTU/day or 375 kWH/day or 1,700 gallons (50° to 140°F)
Average Performance: 4.71 COP
Peak Performance: 8.77 COP
Estimated Annual Savings: $40k/year

Laundry facility utilizing ground-source heat pumps with waste water

Learn More about Ground-Source Heat Pumps + Waste Water Systems

Steve Hamstra of Melink’s Solar & Geo team will present more on the application of ground-source heat pumps with waste water systems at the ASHRAE Conference, prior to the AHR Expo (Feb. 3-5, 2020, in Orlando, FL). If you’ll be there, we invite you to schedule a meet-and-greet with the Melink team to discuss geothermal solutions for your business.

Melink Corporation provides turnkey management of geothermal projects for architects, engineers, ESCOs, and building owners, as well as consulting services for architects and engineering firms.

Tips for Home Solar Panel Installation

Melink Employee-Owner Jason Brown offers tips for DIY home solar panel installation.

Jason Brown, Senior Applications Engineer for Melink Corporation, added a 9.76 kW solar system consisting of 32 panels to the roof of his new home in 2019.

“I went with adding solar because I know it works, and it’s worth the investment. I had installed solar on my previous home,” said Brown, who has served in various technical roles for Melink T&B, Solar & Geo, and Intelli-Hood®. “I recommend it to anyone that is looking to save money, help the environment by reducing fossil fuel emissions, and increase their home equity.”

Home solar panels


After a little homework and modeling, Brown came up with a system he could install for less than $1 per watt by doing the project himself.

Home solar panel CAD drawing by Jason Brown

Next steps included filing the appropriate permits, purchasing materials, renting a lift to move the solar panels to his roof, and gathering his Melink Solar & Geo co-workers to assist him with the installation. Over a weekend, they completed the project: mounting the racks, wiring the system, and installing the panels themselves.

Solar & Geo co-workers prepping for the home solar panel installation.
Prepping for the home solar panel installation
Brown rented a lift to move the 50-pound panels to his roof. Once installed, the overall weight of the system on the roof is less than a second layer of shingles, not compromising the snow loads in place on the home structure.
Mounting the solar panel racks to the roof
Mounting the racks to the home’s roof
Electrical breaker box
The breaker panel
AC Combiner and Rapid Disconnect with NEC labels
The completed AC Combiner and Rapid Disconnect with NEC labels

System Maintenance

As for maintenance, the system requires little upkeep or cleaning. The panels are installed at a 5/12 pitch angle, which allows them to be cleaned naturally by the region’s rain cycles.

Home solar panel installation
The home solar panels are installed at a 5/12 pitch angle.

Additionally, the system’s micro-inverters have a free, built-in monitoring system that can be observed through a phone app. The app shows system production (instantaneous or over time calculations) and efficiency between each panel. With this tracking, Brown will know if there is a problem within the system that needs attention.

Home solar panel phone app tracking
Energy balance displayed on the app
kWh displayed on the app

Forecasted maintenance depends on the type of inverter installed. Traditional string inverters may need to be replaced in 12-15 years, while many micro-inverters have a 25-year warranty/life expectancy.

“Sometimes these component parts can last the life of the panels, sometimes a little less,” Brown said. “I went with micro-inverters for their longer projected life-rating and to offer better performance with any shading.”

Micro-inverter for home solar panel installation
The type of micro-inverter Brown selected has as 25-year life expectancy versus a traditional string inverter.

Lastly, Brown said some indirect tree trimming may come up in the next 25-30 years to allow more sunlight to reach the panels.

System Performance

The best part? Brown’s home system is currently trending to the projected energy savings and on pace to be under a 5-year ROI with using the 2019 tax credit. The solar array is on track to provide 70% of his home energy usage annually, resulting in a savings of $75-165 per month depending on the time of year and the current electric rates.

As rates from energy suppliers increase so does the system’s calculated savings. Additionally, by doing the project himself, the system has increased the value of his home with nearly a 3-to-1 return.

Home solar panel installation in Cincinnati, Ohio

Home Solar Panel Installation Tips

If you’re considering your own home solar project, here are Brown’s tips:

  • To understand your home’s energy profile, check your electric bills to find out what the average kWh usage is over 12 months. This will give you a glimpse of your home’s energy usage and an idea of what to plan for.
  • Research residential solar tax credits through the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency® or ask a tax professional. For the tax year 2020, the federal tax credit is 26% and will drop to 22% for tax year 2021. 
  • Determine if you would be installing a ground-mount or roof-mount system. The solar modules need to be mounted facing south with not too much obstruction (trees, shading of the sun, etc.). Most residential installations are roof-mounted due to the size of the property and to elevate the modules, offering a better chance of extending the sunlight hours.
  • If you choose to do a roof-mount installation, determine the age of the roof on your home. Keep in mind that the solar system you’re planning will be there 25-30 years. Ideally, solar should be added at the time of new construction or roof replacement.
  • Before purchasing materials, assemble a Bill of Materials (BOM) of what you need to purchase. This will give you a full understanding of the project costs.
  • Call your local zoning and permit offices before you start. You need to review the guidelines to make sure you are within your right to install this electrical upgrade and that you’re abiding by all local codes and permitting requirements. Your township/county will likely require you to file an electrical permit, and they may need to perform a structural review.
  • If you live in a neighborhood, you also need to contact your home owners association (HOA). Your HOA may require you to provide documentation and pay an application fee.
  • Once you have done your research and filed for the appropriate permits, file an interconnection agreement with your utility provider so you can connect to the grid.

This information is for educational purposes. Melink shall not be responsible nor retain liability for use of the provided information. Prior to beginning any electrical or solar project, you are advised to consult with an industry professional.

Melink envisions clean energy transforming the world by improving our global economy, security and environment — for ourselves, our children and future generations. “Walking the Talk” stories showcase Melink employee-owners that are making sustainable choices in their personal lives.

Re-Deployable Commercial Solar Systems

There are many barriers for property owners who are considering adding commercial solar capabilities to their buildings. Barriers may include installation cost, installation time, debt financing, and structural integrity of the roof. To help combat these obstacles, solar installation providers are trying to find the best ways to reduce hurdles and make commercial solar photovoltaic (PV) more appealing.

For instance, a few companies around the globe are rolling out re-deployable solar “pods,” modular systems that can be set up in a fraction of the time compared to traditional solar installs.

One such company is Scatec Solar, a Norwegian developer specializing in emerging markets. Scatec has designed a 200-kilowatt (kW) containerized solar PV system. Crews can install about one megawatt (MW) per week in this fashion. According to Scatec, the most cost-effective lease contract would have a power-purchase agreement period around 10 years. However, for higher rates, this could be shortened to as little as two years. Once the period is up, the panels can be removed and deployed elsewhere.

Another example involves the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), which has announced funding for an Australian startup, Solpod. As part of their re-deployable solar strategy, Solpod will run a trial of re-deployable systems at 25 sites for a total of 2.5 MW. Additionally, Solpod’s racking system is fixed to the roof with an industrial-strength adhesive, eliminating the need to make rooftop penetrations or to install heavy ballast blocks on the roof.

Re-deployable commercial solar system on business rooftop
Re-Deployable Commercial Solar System on Rooftop
Photo Credit: Solpod

Potentially, this design could sway a concerned building owner’s perspective, especially if the roof needs replaced in a few years or if they plan to move locations. Solpod’s product can even be chartered for a period to match a business’ lease, if renting their space.

So what does this mean for the future of solar? Simply put, these modular, re-deployable solar systems could be a groundbreaking install method for commercial properties everywhere.

Solar Industry News Updates: November 2019

Quickly catch up on the latest solar industry news…

Bifacial Solar Panels:

In January 2018, the Trump Administration introduced new trade tariffs targeted against China. The tariffs started at 30% and are set to step down by 5% every year until they expire in 2022. In June, the U.S. removed the 25% tariff on bifacial solar panels, as there is no major U.S. manufacturer producing them; therefore, there is no industry to protect. Four months later, the Trump Administration announced that effective October 28, 2018, the exemption would be rescinded.

In the latest twist, Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) has successfully won a temporary restraining order (TRO) on the withdrawal of the Section 201 import tariffs exemption on the importation of bifacial solar modules. The TRO is effective for 14 days through Nov. 21 unless the court rules on the matter earlier.

Bifacial modules offer the potential for lower LCOE (Levelized Cost of Electricity), due to higher module output with both sides of the solar panel generating electricity. Learn more about bifacial modules and Melink’s testing.


SunPower announced on November 11 that it plans to spin off its manufacturing business with a nearly $300 million investment by China’s Tianjin Zhonghuan Semiconductor. The move would effectively split the company into two: one part focused on overseas solar photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing, the other focused on distributing and installing solar panels and energy storage.

Ultimately, the partnership with Tianjin Zhonghuan Semiconductor to manufacture modules will form a new company, Maxeon Solar, that will be headquartered in Singapore. You can read more about this development here.

PV Patent Infringement:

Hanwha Q Cells attempted to shut competitors out of the U.S. market by filing a complaint in March that Longi Solar, Jinko Solar, and REC Group were all infringing on a patent filed in 2008. It now appears that all three companies will emerge victorious, as the case is now stayed with a judgment of non-infringement expected in the coming weeks, according to a filing from the U.S. International Trade Commission.

Hanwha does have a few avenues to challenge the outcome, and the company stated in an email that it plans to “immediately appeal” the determination to commissioners once possible.

Capture Reflective Light – Bifacial Solar Panels

Traditional solar modules are designed to capture as much light energy as possible on one side and convert that into electrical power, while any residual light is reflected away.  A recent innovation in solar panel technology allows for light to pass through areas in the module and is re-captured on the back side for increased efficiency. These are known as bifacial solar panels.  Many of these panels have a slim profile and limited framing dimensions to increase the surface area and collect as much energy as possible. 

An ideal application for these new solar panels are on top of white membrane roofs, already designed to reflect light, to increase the efficiency of the total array.  In a study conducted by a leading solar panel manufacturer, LONGi, panels were found to be 10-12% more efficient in baseline comparisons.  Depending on the field application the efficiency gains can be as dramatic as 27% when combined with a tracking system to follow the path of the sun throughout the day. 

A key benefit in analyzing the use case is the reduction in the overall array size, racking requirements, and balance of system components as more power can be produced per Sq/ft as compared to traditional systems.  While these bifacial solar panels carry a slight cost premium today, this can typically be more than accounted for in efficiency gains and array size reductions.  Additional applications could include building integrated solar installations and wall mounted solar to increase efficiencies with building reflective surfaces.

Melink Corporation is deploying bifacial solar panel technology at its new HQ2 building. This will help to further offset the buildings energy usage and drive to net-zero energy footprint. The modules will be part of an enhanced parking lot solar canopy that will include car charging stations for electric vehicles.  In addition to our own building, several arrays that are currently in development by the Melink Solar team include bifacial module technology. 

Solar PV Material Efficiency

With innovations such as bifacial solar panels, solar windows, and solar shingles, it is certainly an exciting time for the industry. In today’s fast-paced market, it is important to adapt quickly to consumer demands. These inventions have been made to tackle efficiency and aesthetic concerns associated with traditional solar PV installs. For those who don’t particularly care about the look of their solar system, efficiency is everything. Bifacial modules collect light from the front and back of the panel and can yield an additional 10% in electricity production compared to monofacial modules with concrete or vegetation undercovers, and 30% with a more reflective undercover. Despite our ability to capture both direct and reflected sunlight, we are limited in the efficiency of our PV material used today.

The most widely used PV material is crystalline silicon. Silicon cells utilize a p-n (positive-negative) junction to drive the flow of electrons. Conventional solar cells only use one p-n junction and have an efficiency limit known as the Shockley-Queisser limit. For a single p-n junction in silicon this limit is 32%, which is impossible to reach due to practical reasons such as reflection and light blockage from the thin wires required to run across the cell surface. The limit comes from a variety of factors including recombination of electron-hole pairs, spectrum losses, and impedance matching. Silicon has a band gap of 1.1 eV, which is the energy required to excite an electron into a free state so that it can move through the material and contribute to electrical current. This means that any photons from the sun with less energy than the band gap will not create a free electron, including radio waves, microwaves, and most infrared photons. Any photons with more energy than the band gap will create a free electron with high energy but most of the energy will be lost through heat as the electron moves through the cell. These spectrum losses account for a staggering 52% reduction in the amount of sun energy that can be converted into electricity.

So, what can be done about the confusingly inefficient, yet most widely used material for solar PV energy production? There is hope, stemming from some of the most cutting-edge research with semiconductors. There are various thin film solar cells such as cadmium telluride (CdTe) or gallium arsenide (GaAs) that have proven their worth with high efficiencies. CdTe gives silicon a run for its money on a cost/watt basis, but cadmium is toxic, and telluride is not very abundant. There are also multijunction cells that aim to tap into the portion of the spectrum that single junction cells cannot by using layers of materials with varying band gaps. Quantum dot solar cells have been getting a lot of attention as you can tune their band gaps to certain levels to capture the desired spectrum. However, they still lack in efficiency and need much more research to get where they need to be for practical use.

Perhaps one of the most promising emerging solar PV materials is the perovskite solar cell. Perovskites are a crystal comprised of an organic molecule, a metal, and a halogen. These are found in nature, but a synthetic perovskite has been created with inorganic atoms and an organic polymer. Contrary to silicon fabrication techniques, this technology can be made at low temperatures and does not require a glass cover. A pure perovskite cell now has an efficiency of 24% and a silicon-perovskite cell has an efficiency of 28% compared with the 25% of a solely silicon cell. While this is exciting news, there is a lot of work that needs done to make these advanced solar cells commercially viable. As solar power generation becomes more prevalent in our society, we need to continue to seek out better ways of implementing it. With value deflation occurring in areas with an abundance of solar, another install may not always be the solution. Value deflation is not happening everywhere, but a few million dollars in advanced PV research could eventually result in an enormous payback in our fight against fossil fuel reliance.